Governor Kathy Hochul: Tyrant of the Week

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Governor Kathy Hochul

The jab has become their religion and you must obey, or your consequences will be dire. Sounds kind of like the Taliban to me. Take a good look at her. This is what tyranny looks like.

Kathy The Great managed to beat out a veritable cornucopia of lesser despots by pulling off an impressive twofer of Caesarean dictates: 1) For summarily firing New York’s healthcare workers (aka ex-heroes) who refuse to submit to mandated, dangerous, and untested Covid-19 gene therapy inoculations, and 2) For refusing these same healthcare workers state unemployment insurance.

For demonstrating superior sociopathy in her new role as dictator of New York during a ‘pandemic‘ of galactic proportions, Governor Kathy Hochul is hereby awarded the Tyrant of the Week Award!

I guess you’re only a ‘hero’ when you submit to the state and its religion. Everyone else can just plan on eating cake.