What the Chinese Government Thinks about Multiculturalism

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by Fast Rope

China, CCP, Chinese Government

Apparently not too much.

According to a recently released study from the Department of Defense (DOD) written in 2013, the Chinese Communist Party believes that United States’ preoccupation with multiculturalism can be exploited and will ultimately lead to the demise of the U.S.

Chris Menahan of Information Liberation explains that although the report was actually published in 2013, it was only recently made available through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) litigation. He further elaborates,

A fascinating once-secret Department of Defense report commissioned by foreign policy strategist Andrew Marshall titled “Strategic Consequences of Chinese Racism” perfectly illustrates why Western liberalism is failing and China has been on an absolute tear for decades.

Some interesting highlights from the DOD report include:

  1. The Chinese do not even recognize their racism as a problem. They believe that racism is a Western phenomenon and that Westerners are obsessed with race. This obsession is seen by the Chinese to be a strategic vulnerability of the West, whereas China is not affected by racism.
  2. From the Chinese perspective, the United States used to be a strong society that the Chinese respected when it was unicultural, defined by the centrality of Anglo-­‐Protestant culture at the core of American national identity aligned with the political ideology of liberalism, the rule of law, and free market capitalism. The Chinese see multiculturalism as a sickness that has overtaken the United States, and a component of U.S. decline.
  3. The Chinese are comfortable using race to explain events and appealing to racist stereotypes to advance their interests. Most insidious is the Chinese belief that Africans in particular need Chinese leadership.

However, Paul Joseph Watson of Summit News sums up the darker implications of forced multiculturalism perhaps most relevantly,

The Department of Defense was warned about this nearly a decade ago, yet the military-industrial complex has decided to weaponize identity politics as a form of neo-imperialism. Moscow and Beijing are very much aware of this agenda, which is why they go to great lengths to prevent what Vladimir Putin described as a “virus” infecting their society.

And again, Watson brilliantly cuts to the quick in this excellent video summary:

See PDF below to read the entire redacted study: