Thymosin Beta 4 – A Healing Peptide

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by Dr. Valerie Donaldson via Regenerative Medicine Center

Peptide TB4 – Thymosin Beta 4

Peptides are chains of amino acids isolated over decades of research, providing advancements in healing in all realms of medicine. anti-aging and regenerative medicine included.  One of the more commonly used peptide is Thymosin Beta 4 (TB4).

  • TB4 has demonstrated a key role in general cellular function and modulation of the immune system. It is often prescribed for surgical repair and acute injury, especially among athletes.
  • TB4 has been shown to promote the development of new tissue fibers, blood cell and new blood vessel production.
  • It has been linked to enhance recovery from trauma and injuries due to its potent role in tissue regeneration, remodeling and repair.

This blog post will review the science and benefits of TB4 and how it might help you optimize your health and healing.

What is Thymosin Beta 4 (TB4)?

Thymosin Beta 4 is a naturally occurring peptide found in all cells in humans and animals except the red blood cells. It is related to Thymosin which is an important immune system hormone secreted from the thymus gland.   TB4 has been used extensively in race horses to prevent injury and promote healing. It is low in molecular weight which allows its quick migration to sites in the body that need healing. TB4 is currently in clinical trials for the treatment of HIV, AIDS and influenza.

How does TB4 work?

TB4 enacts it benefits through the following mechanisms. *, **

  • Increases actin, a protein that builds cells and muscles  essential for cell movement and muscle contraction. This promotes cell growth, healing and migration.
  • TB4 travels to sites of injury to promote healing.
  • TB4 is found in high concentrations in platelets which are one of the first cells to show up at injury for repair
  • TB4 decreases cells promoting scar tissue so in return decreases scar formation and fibrosis
  • TB4 decreases inflammation by preventing the activation of inflammatory cells so repair is faster

Benefits of TB4?

  • Accelerates wound healing and repairs soft tissue injury
  • Prevents scar formation and fibrosis
  • Supports stem cells to heal and regenerate tissue
  • Regenerates blood cells
  • Enhances muscle growth
  • Improves strength and endurance
  • Reduces acute and chronic pain
  • Protects the brain, restores neurons after Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Promotes healing from spinal cord injury
  • Improves neuroplasticity
  • Protects the heart and repairs vessels – especially after a heart attack
  • Promotes hair growth
  • Increases collagen
  • Improves the immune system
  • Promotes healing from eye infection, injury and dry eye disorders

Due to the profound biological activity of TB4, it exerts a diversity of therapeutic effects on various diseases and injuries depicted here:**

TB4 Safety

TB4 has been reported safe with no significant adverse effects.

Note there is controversial research on TB4 and cancer as increased TB4 levels are found in affected tissues of cancer patients compared to controls. The question at hand is: Is the increase of TB4 in the affected tissues a healing mechanism and immune response or is it involved in carcinogenesis?  Since TB4’s main mechanism is to decrease transcription of NFKB cells and therefore decrease inflammation and cellular proliferation, it seems most likely the increase in TB4 cells in cancer patients is a protective mechanism.***


The revolutionary advancement of peptides in medicine is amazing and exciting. More healing benefits are being discovered every day. TB4 has various therapeutic uses, from surgery and soft tissue injury repair, Traumatic Brain Injury, to reversal of neurotoxicity and deleterious effects of heart attack. TB4 is often used in conjunction with BPC 157 and Thymosin Alpha 1 (TA1) to offer even more benefits. Ongoing and future clinical trials of TB4 may reveal even more diversity to its uses and full potential for the future of medicine.

Have an awesome day!  Dr D


Reprinted with permission from Regenerative Medicine Center.