Are We All Connected?

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Neuronal Network vs. Cosmic Web

by Dr. Valerie Donaldson via Regenerative Medicine Center

Our Amazing Universe Within

The discovery plants have hormones bioidentical to ours leads us to ponder both origins. The discovery of cannabis receptors in our bodies was another link to human and plant origins.

And then there are the similarities of the universe and our brains! The discovery the cosmic network of galaxies and the neuronal network in the human brain having definite similarities again stretches our imaginations of our origins.

The brain is often thought of as the smartest computer in existence. Neurons are cells that work together to process stimuli from the environment activating the nervous system. Neurons form an intricate web of communication called the neuronal network. A similar interconnected web exists in the universe, the cosmic web of galaxies. Because of the appearance of both networks, many have postulated the human brain resembles the universe.

The Structure of the Brain vs the Universe

Complexities of both brain and Universe structures have been challenging to describe with much left to explore. Neurons connecting within the brain form a multitude of circuits, linking areas and sending signals, forming your cognitive state.

The same circuitry seems to exist in the universe. A physical model of the universe has been extrapolated from decades of telescopic data and is called the Lambda Cold Dark Matter model, producing a picture of the cosmic web of galaxies.

Both the brain and universe share intricate, interconnected webs from cells and clusters vs filaments and galaxies. Microscopic and telescopic observations have demonstrated a remarkable similarity between the appearance of the network of neurons and the cosmic web.

The following image shows a neuron with its network on the left (A) with comparison to the cosmic web on the right (B).1

The Composition of the Brain vs the Universe

Similarities in composition appear to exist as well. Between both, there is mass vs energy depicted as water in the brain versus dark energy matter known as a scalar energy field of empty space in the universe.

  • The brain is composed of 77% water compared to 73% dark energy in the universe.
  • The brain is thought to have about 85 billion neurons and the universe to have at least 100 billion galaxies.

“Although the relevant physical interactions in the above two systems are completely different, their observation through microscopic and telescopic techniques have captured a tantalizing similar morphology, to the point that it has often been noted that the cosmic web and the web of neurons look alike.”

Quantitative Comparison Between Neuronal Network and Cosmic Web

The combined work of an astrophysicist and neurosurgeon was published in a recent study titled “The Quantitative Comparison Between the Neuronal Network and the Cosmic Web.” This is the first paper to go beyond the looks of the two systems and explore the quantitative similarities between the brain and universe.2

Samples were taken from the cerebral and cerebellar cortex of the brain in humans. Synthetic samples of the cosmic web were simulated. Using statistical, microscopic and quantitative analysis, a detailed comparison was described in the study. Despite complexities of each with differences in scale, these two systems demonstrated remarkable similarities.

The authors found fluctuations within the neuronal network of the brain responsible for voluntary movement, balance, posture and coordination followed the same scale as the fluctuations within the cosmic web. The average number of clusters and connections between the two networks appeared to be strikingly similar. This work shows similar levels of self-organization and complexity.

The following image shows the microscopic similarities of the cosmic web and neuronal network.

Memory Capacity of the Brain vs the Universe

Even more fascinating, the two networks showed even more similarities to each other than those shared between a neuronal body and its neuronal network or a galaxy and its cosmic web.

The authors also demonstrated similarities between approximate total memory capacity between both systems. They suggest that despite differences between physical powers regulating neurons and galaxies, both complex networks evolve following similar physical principles.


While there are many similarities in the appearance of both complex systems, this is the first study to use actual quantitative data to show it in detail. This study strengthens similarities between the brain and the universe in a way not solely based on appearance. As the brain network shares strikingly similar structure and measurements to the universe, the brain can be viewed as a universe within a universe.

Have an awesome day. Dr D


Reprinted with permission from Regenerative Medicine Center.