Covid-19 in Wales: Two Thirds of Positive Cases Are Vaccinated

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As of September 24, 2021, the BBC is reporting that a third (33%) of the positive Covid-19 cases in Wales are unvaccinated. However, if a third of all the positive cases are unvaccinated, then remaining two-thirds of the cases must be from people who are vaccinated. The BBC even admits that 80% of the Covid-19 hospitalizations are double-dosed!

This is quite alarming considering that recent Public Health Wales (PHW) data notes that 69.9% of the population in Wales is fully vaccinated (two doses) and 75.8% has had at least one dose. This certainly doesn’t look good for the vaccine zealots. In fact, it strongly suggests that these Covid-19 jabs are not what they are cracked up to be.

Of course, that’s not prompting the BBC to question the effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections. Oh, no, they are doubling-down on the establishment narrative.

Sure, the population pool of fully vaccinated in Wales greater than the pool of the unvaccinated, by a little over 2 to 1 (70% to 30%) according to Public Health Wales data. However, the rates of contracting Covid-19 (67% vs 33%) essentially mimic this broader vaccination rates (70% vaccinated vs 30% unvaccinated). How can the BBC not see this as an abject failure?! The Covid-19 jabs offer little to no protection from contracting the disease.

These ‘vaccines’ are not reliable in preventing you from getting Covid-19 or transmitting the disease. Don’t believe the Big Pharma-Big Government hype nor the propaganda from the mainstream media shills.

Just in case you were wondering, the CDC does say that “some” people who are vaccinated will get sick:

Source: CDC