Nasal Irrigation May Help Prevent COVID Hospitalizations

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Dr. Joseph Mercola summarizes his article on why nasal irrigation may be a good strategy to help fight covid:

  • A recent preprint study demonstrated that people who used normal saline nasal irrigation were 19 times less likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19 than the national rate; the study used pressure-based nasal irrigation systems
  • In one group, the intervention included povidone-iodine, which some physicians have been using as oral solutions, and nasal irrigation to protect against COVID infection; other health care professionals are using nebulized hydrogen peroxide, and some are using both
  • Since early 2020, some physicians have encouraged individuals and organizations to include hydrogen peroxide in their treatment protocols. In an interview with Dr. David Brownstein, he discusses his protocol that includes vitamins, hydrogen peroxide and iodine
  • In another short video, Dr. Thomas Levy and I discuss the advantages of using nebulized hydrogen peroxide to your gut microbiome, which is essential to supporting your immune health:
Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide with Dr. Levy and Dr. Mercola

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola