Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Liars, Propagandists and The Great Reset

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE In January 2022, House Oversight Committee Republicans released National Institutes of Health emails that show Drs. Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins led the effort to bury the lab leak theory, even though the consensus in early February 2020 was that the virus likely leaked from the Wuhan lab Fauci and […]

Exposing Pfizer’s 159 Years of Dirty Deeds

STORY-AT-A-GLANCE In a November 9, 2021, interview with Atlantic Council CEO Frederick Kempe, Pfizer chairman and CEO Albert Bourla claimed “a small part of professionals” intentionally circulate “misinformation … so that they will mislead those that have concerns.” Such medical professionals are not just bad people, Bourla said, “they’re criminals, because they have literally cost […]

Inside Australia’s Covid Internment Camp

by UnHerd Freddie Sayers spoke to Hayley Hodgson, who has returned from a 14-day detention Hayley Hodgson, 26, moved to Darwin from Melbourne to escape the never-ending lockdowns — only to find herself locked up in a Covid Internment Camp without even having the virus. She’s just returned from a 14-day detention at Howard Springs, […]