Fast Rope

The truth will out.

The US Has Zero Moral Authority

by Caitlin Johnstone Listen to a reading of this article Post-Iraq the US has zero moral authority. The narrative managers aim to suck you in to arguing about the minutiae of the inner workings of the latest target of the empire, when in fact a simple “Shut the fuck up, it’s none of your business” […]

It Takes A Touch Of Madness

Listen to a reading of this article ❖ It takes a touch of madness to take seriously the possibility that your entire society is insane. That’s why devoted critics of the oligarchic empire are often a bit odd; something in them was driven to wade into waters that most people aren’t psychologically prepared to enter. […]

We Won’t Be Free Until Our Minds Are Free

written by Caitlin Johnstone september 22, 2021 There’s a quote from an ancient Buddhist text called the Dhammapada that’s often translated as, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.” In other words our mental habits shape our personality and determine how that personality […]