Fast Rope

The truth will out.

NIH and EcoHealth Colluded to Evade Research Restrictions

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE Emails reveal the National Institutes of Health colluded with EcoHealth Alliance to circumvent federal restrictions on gain-of-function (GOF) research and avoid oversight NIH officials allowed EcoHealth Alliance to craft oversight language governing its own GOF experiments At least two NIH officials expressed concern that the experiment might fall under the […]

New COVID Medications vs Ivermectin

by Valerie Donaldson, MD New Oral Pharmaceutical Agents For Mild to Moderate COVID-19 As it is becoming more clear vaccines do not stop the spread of COVID-19, but may be instrumental in shortening the length of illness, symptoms, and decrease hospitalizations;  two large pharmaceutical companies,  Merck and Pfizer, have come forward with press releases regarding […]

COVID-19: Moderna Gets Its Miracle

by Whitney Webb via STORY AT-A-GLANCE Moderna and a handful of its collaborators at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) seemed to know that Moderna’s miracle had arrived — well before anyone else knew or could have known Moderna’s CEO Stéphane Bancel emailed the director of the NIH and asked to be sent the […]

Curcumin and COVID-19 Studies

Many of you already know about curcumin’s impressive anti-inflammatory properties. Now new research is showing that curcumin may provide a meaningful contribution in lowering the severity and death rates of Covid-19. In his article Curcumin and COVID-19 Studies, Dr. Joseph Mercola provides an excellent overview of how curcumin might improve your health, reduce pain from […]