Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Niacin + Melatonin Support Metabolic Health

Both niacin and melatonin play important roles in our metabolic health, and some scientists and doctors believe that they also have important roles in fighting Covid-19. Dr. Mercola analyzes the this water-soluble vitamin and hormone in his article Niacin + Melatonin Support Metabolic Health. He also explores some interesting niacin research from Dmitry Kats, PhD, […]

Swiss Policy Research Covid-19 Treatment Protocols – Ivermectin Makes the List

Swiss Policy Research has an English language overview of Covid-19 protocols commonly used for prophylactic or early treatment of people at high risk or exposure to Covid-19. Just like the FLCCC Alliance, ivermectin is included on the list of treatment options: Based on the available scientific evidence and current clinical experience, the SPR Collaboration recommends […]

Long-Term Dangers of Experimental mRNA Shots

Do you want a different perspective on Covid-19 vaccines– one that counters the 24/7 narrative that you are bombarded with from the mainstream media about mRNA vaccine safety? Dr. Mercola discusses the long-term dangers of the Covid-19 mRNA injections with Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Stephanie Seneff. This is an excellent discussion that should give […]

DNA-Based COVID Vaccines Have Arrived

Zero Hedge is reporting that India has approved the world’s first DNA-based Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ ZyCoV-D. What could possibly go wrong? If you thought that there hasn’t been enough testing on mRNA gene therapies for Covid-19, you might want to carefully consider if a DNA-based injection or therapy is right for you. Zero Hedge notes, Close […]

Importance of Testosterone in Fighting COVID-19

The functional medicine team at the Regenerative Medicine Center in Pittsburgh, PA, recently published an excellent article on the importance of testosterone in fighting Covid-19. As it turns out, the often overlooked hormone, along with estrogen, binds with the same receptor as does the SARS-CoV-2 virus. As Dr. Valerie Donaldson discusses in her important article […]

Why Masks Are a Charade

Put this in the category of a virus gonna virus. Masks might give you a sense of security, much like Linus’ blanket, but it’s not going to stop a virus. A 2009 study published in JAMA showed that even the N95 was not that effective against the flu in a hospital setting. Perhaps it’s time […]

Puppet Master Portfolio

Monopoly: An Overview of the Great Reset – Follow the Money is a great video analysis coming out of the Netherlands that explains why big corporations seem to be acting in unison during Covid catastrophe. How is it possible that two companies, BlackRock and Vanguard, can wield so much power in health matters and on […]