Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Can These Foods Help Combat COVID?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE COVID-19, which may cause blood clotting degradation of elastic fibers in your lungs, may be positively influenced by vitamin K, known for its role in blood clotting Both thromboembolism, which occurs when a blood clot obstructs a blood vessel, and coagulopathy, which is a condition in which your blood’s ability […]

Is This Our World War I?

by Jesse Kauffman via Brownstone Institute When the European powers went to war in 1914, unleashing a bloodbath unlike any the world had seen, most were overreacting to genuine strategic concerns. The Germans, for example, feared the massive military expansion underway in their neighbor Russia.  As international tensions mounted in late July 1914, European military […]

Boosters are over

by Alex Berenson via Unreported Truths Now the World Health Organization has waved the white flag on Covid vaccine boosters too. WHO released a statement about Covid vaccines yesterday. It’s filled with the usual public health jargon and ass-covering, but one line stands out: a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original […]

Melatonin Significantly Reduces COVID-19 Mortality

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE While most well-known as a natural sleep regulator, melatonin also has many other important functions. It boosts immune function, helps recharge glutathione and may improve treatment of certain bacterial diseases; it has anticonvulsant and antiexcitotoxic properties, and is a potent antioxidant with the rare ability to enter your mitochondria In […]

Omicron vs No Omicron – What Do You Do?

by Dr. Valerie Donaldson via Regenerative Medicine Center First, if you missed my New Years Blog, read it!  And January 6th blog is a heartwarming story also not to be missed. Omicron As Omicron is infecting everyone equally, unvaccinated, vaccinated, boosted, or those having had Covid previously, people are calling wondering what to do.  Omicron […]

Why Is the FDA Hiding the Pfizer Vaccine Data?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE Weeks after the FDA gave full approval to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under the name Comirnaty, the only documentation publicly available was found in press releases and journal articles A nonprofit group filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the data used to license Comirnaty and subsequently had to file […]

Supreme Court Delivers Schizophrenic Ruling

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy In a schizophrenic ruling on January 13, the US Supreme Court ruled against the Biden regime’s Covid vaccine mandate for private businesses but for the mandate for health care workers. Ordinary Americans might wonder why the Justices protected some people from undergoing a coerced medical procedure […]

Media Fakes First Omicron Death Story

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE Despite all signs indicating the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant causes only mild illness, the World Health Organization declared it a “variant of concern,” and countries responded with renewed mask mandates and lockdowns December 20, 2021, the U.S. press went wild, reporting that the first Omicron death had been reported in Houston, […]

Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants

by Breeman, Muchiri, Bates, Weinstein, Leier, Farley, and Tafesse Recently published research from the Journal of Natural Products highlights the potential of cannabinoids in fighting SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. It appears that two cannabinoids, cannabidiolic acid (CBDA) and cannabigerolic (CBGA), have a particularly high affinity for the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2. The researchers confirmed that […]

Why Is the Human Being Not Like a Machine?

By Jeffrey A. Tucker via Brownstone Institute In defense of regulatory mandates during oral arguments, the following words were spoken by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor: “Why is a human being not like a machine if it’s spewing a virus?” For her, it is a simple matter: regulatory impositions rule the machine world so why […]

Have You Tried Box Breathing?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance Box breathing is a form of breath control that triggers the parasympathetic nervous system to help manage stress and improve relaxation so you can take control of your health This technique, also called square breathing or four-square breathing, is used by Navy SEALS to help reduce stress in high-pressure […]

How Easy Money Inflated Corporate Profits

by Brendan Brown via Mises Institute In the incessant media discussion about whether inflation is transitory there is a big elephant in the room about which all are silent. Perhaps strangely some do not see it. Others for whatever reason pretend it is not there. The elephant is the fantastic surge in US corporate profits that […]

Censored mRNA Platform Inventor Dr. Robert Malone Tells All on Rogan Show

by Dr. Joseph Mercola Joe Rogan Interviews Dr. Robert Malone | Joe Rogan Podcast STORY-AT-A-GLANCE December 30, 2021, Joe Rogan interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA gene transfer technology. YouTube and Twitter promptly deleted the interview Google has also been caught red-handed manipulating search results such that Malone’s Rogan interview won’t show […]

Fauci Wants to Mandate the Vax to Fly

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the NIAID and chief medical adviser to the president, has suggested that vaccines may be mandatory to fly domestically as another incentive to get people vaccinated; he doesn’t mention reducing the spread of the virus As reports of disruptive and violent passengers continues to rise, […]

In the Name of Stopping Covid…

by Dr. Todd Porter via Brownstone Institute “To a Healthy Future” is the current tagline of the Executive Director of Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) Dawn Comstock. Comstock is a PhD, otherwise known as an academic, who rules with an iron fist over one of the largest counties in the Denver area. Unfortunately for Comstock, […]