Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Patricians vs. Plebeians: The Realignment 

by Jeffrey A. Tucker via Brownstone Institute When I was a kid — and the same with my parents when they were young — you could count on certain fundamentals in politics. The Chamber of Commerce represented business, and business generally favored free enterprise. Not always, but mostly.  Small businesses could become big and big […]

Washington Simultaneously Demonizes Russia, China, Iran, and Its Own White Majority Population while Democrats Enforce Covid Tyranny

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy Can Free Florida Survive? Florida has a large Cuban population, but it also has a large Jewish population, people who made their money and retired in a sunny land without freezing temperatures. Most of the Jews understand the benefits of Florida’s openness under Governor DeSantis, but, […]

Does America Have a Future?

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy Glenn Greenwald Offers his Perspective on the Democrats’ “Trump Insurrection” Histrionics. Greenwald is on the money, but the situation for American is even more serious than he thinks. Here is Greenwald’s explanation of the counterfactual reality created for us by Democrats: “The orgy of psychodrama today […]