Fast Rope

The truth will out.

The New Anti-Economics

by Jeff Deist via Economics is about human action and choice within the context of scarcity. The problem facing economists is how to understand and explain human betterment, which is another way of saying production. The critical question, posed correctly by economist Per Bylund, starts with scarcity as the default point for understanding purposive […]

The Necessity of Human Action

by Jeff Thomas via International Man In 1987, Levon Helm, a former cotton farmer from Arkansas, sat brooding in his yard, trying to describe why his apparent success had turned to near-bankruptcy: “Well, it’s hard to put your finger on. You get behind financially and once you get behind financially, you seem to get behind […]

Stop Trying to Turn Economics into a Branch of Psychology

by Frank Shostak via Recently, a relatively new economics called behavioral economics (BE) has started to gain popularity. Its practitioners, such as Daniel Kahneman, Vernon Smith, and Richard Thaler, were awarded Nobel Prizes for their contribution in the field of BE. The BE framework emerged because of dissatisfaction with the neoclassical theory regarding consumer […]