Fast Rope

The truth will out.

22 Top Tips for a Healthier 2022

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE The start of a new year is often a good time to take stock and plan out beneficial lifestyle changes. Included are 22 tips for making 2022 your healthiest year yet Top tips include optimizing your vitamin D, targeting your immune system with immune-boosting nutraceuticals, treating COVID symptoms early, improving […]

How the Endless Boosters Will Destroy Immune Function

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE  The COVID shots reprogram your immune system to respond in a dysfunctional manner. Aside from increasing vulnerability to infections, this can also result in autoimmune diseases and cancer A paper published in early May 2021 reported the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID jab “reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses,” causing immune […]

Merck’s New COVID Pill Is a Disaster

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE An advisory panel to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration voted to grant emergency authorization to Merck’s oral COVID-19 pill molnupiravir (Lagevrio) — by a narrow 13-to-10 margin Among those who received the drug, the rate of all-cause hospitalization or death was 6.8%, compared to 9.7% in the placebo group […]

Dr. Pierre Kory: ‘COVID-19 Is Highly Treatable’

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE New York pulmonologist Dr. Pierre Kory, an unapologetic champion of evidence-based medicine, has had remarkable success treating patients with ivermectin and other therapies during the pandemic His efforts to get the word out on this treatment protocol as part of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) […]