Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Diabolical — How Digital ID Will Control Your Life

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE India’s Aadhaar database contains the digital identifications of more than 1 billion residents, making it the largest biometric digital ID system ever constructed. Similar systems are now being pushed toward implementation in the West, starting with digital vaccine passports Aadhaar is a de facto social credit system. While sold […]

Farmer Bill and the Great Reset

Summary and Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola: Bill Gates has been buying up farmland across the U.S. He currently owns 242,000 acres of farmland, plus another 27,000 acres of non-agricultural land. His sizable land ownership further strengthens Gates’ already enormous influence over agriculture and food policy. In 2006, Gates launched AGRA together with the Rockefeller […]

Why Ivermectin?

written by Dr. Valerie Donaldson September 23, 2021 Using John Hopkins statistics, as of September 22th in the US, 543 million doses of vaccines have been given 182 million people are fully vaccinated 55% of the population is fully vaccinated 67% of the population has either natural immunity or is fully vaccinated Pennsylvania is 57% vaccinated. […]

DNA-Based COVID Vaccines Have Arrived

Zero Hedge is reporting that India has approved the world’s first DNA-based Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ ZyCoV-D. What could possibly go wrong? If you thought that there hasn’t been enough testing on mRNA gene therapies for Covid-19, you might want to carefully consider if a DNA-based injection or therapy is right for you. Zero Hedge notes, Close […]