Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Fatal Macro Warnings: We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

by Matthew Piepenburg via Gold Switzerland As one who loves metaphor, I can’t help but notice the recent and varying range of metaphorical macro warnings. JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon, for example, is now predicting a “market hurricane” ahead, which Peter Schiff has recently upgraded to a “Category 5.” Meanwhile, the always blunt Michael Burry has […]

Inflation, Quick and Dirty

by Jeff Deist via All of a sudden everyone is an expert on inflation. Your brother-in-law, your local paper, and even dilettantes at dubious outlets like the Washington Post or The Atlantic feel compelled to explain our current predicament. With the admitted rate of consumer inflation running somewhere around 8 percent, and the real rate much higher, even […]

Gold vs. An Openly Failing/Changing World

by Matthew Piepenburg via Gold Switzerland As central bankers play checkers on a global debt chessboard, we see below how policy hypocrisy, worsening monetary options, failed diplomacy, tanking bonds, rising rates, debt addiction, mismanaged sanctions, de-dollarization and a shift toward a disorderly re-set all spell immense pain for Main Street as well as Wall Street. […]

Commodities Do Not Cause Inflation. Money Printing Does.

by Daniel Lacalle via In this world of monetary insanity, defenders of central bank constant easing try every day to convince you that inflation is caused by numerous factors, not by currency printing. Many blame inflation on cost-push factors or even speculation, but ultimately all those are consequences, not causes. Rising prices are always caused by […]

All Hell Will Break Loose for Humanity

by Egon von Greyerz via Gold Switzerland We are now at the end of an era of economic and moral decadence in a debt infested world built on false values, fake money and abysmal leadership. All hell will break loose. The consequences will be fatal for the world. There are eras in history which have […]

Price Inflation Hit a New 40-Year High in February

by Ryan McMaken via No, It’s Not “Putin’s Fault.” According to new data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, price inflation in February rose to the highest level recorded in more than forty years. According to the Consumer Price Index for February, year-over-year price inflation rose to 7.9 percent. It hasn’t been that high […]

BLS Reports US Inflation Reaches a Whopping 7.9%

So much for “transitory” inflation assurances. Inflation is starting to really bite, and it looks like it’s only going to get worse. Courtesy of the Federal Reserve’s printing press, the Consumer Price Index officially hit a whopping 7.9%! Of course, we know that true inflation is probably closer to double that number. From the Bureau […]

How Markets Tank & Gold Rises

by Matthew Piepenburg via Gold Switzerland Critical warning signs from the credit and rates markets are being ignored by tough-talking experts while gold bides its time before it rises in a global financial crisis mathematically too sick to save. It is fascinating to watch market pundits, policy makers, commercial bankers and other media-supported experts talk […]

What to do about Inflation

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy Americans live from threat to threat. Now that the “covid threat” and the “Russian threat” have played out, we have the “inflation threat,” but is it any more real? It is true that the Central Bank has poured out unprecedented amounts of money for more than […]

FED Wizards – The Mega Manipulators

by Egon von Greyerz via Gold Switzerland In an investment world of instant gratification and Fed Intervention, when short term trading and speculation is the norm, real values are forgotten. Confucius understood the value of long term thinking and thus real values: If you think in terms of a year, plant a seed, if in […]

U.S. Inflation Rate Hits 7.5 Percent!

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) just released its most recent Consumer Price Index (CPI) figures. Not good. The U.S. inflation rate has officially reached 7.5 percent for January 2022! According to Yahoo Finance, consensus estimates according to Bloomberg data was 7.3 percent. Big miss for the consensus. From the BLS, Increases in the indexes […]

Why Fighting Inflation Is Not a Priority for the Fed

by Liam Cosgrove via On Wednesday, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) held true to its monetary-tightening timeline despite last week’s 10 percent drawdown in most major indices, effectively saying, “10 percent is not enough.” With retail sales numbers that will surely return to trend without more stimulus (see chart), a gridlocked Senate, and the prospect […]

Will the Fed Pop the Everything Bubble?

by Daniel Lacalle via The history of economic development cannot be understood without the importance of recession periods. Recessions are often the result of the excess accumulated in previous years. Creative destruction after a period of excess used to drive a stronger recovery and continued economic development. That was until risky assets became the […]

Why Price Deflation Is Always Good News

by Frank Shostak via Most commentators are currently preoccupied with large increases in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is labeled as inflation. The yearly growth rate of the CPI stood at 7.0 percent in December against 6.8 percent in November and 1.4 percent in December 2020. Pundits have been blaming the strong increase […]