Fast Rope

The truth will out.

When Higher Prices Are Not Inflation

by Doug French via Mises Institute Back to 2020, the federal government’s covid-mandated shutdown of meat production plants hobbled the nation’s meat production capabilities, leaving farmers with nowhere to send their beef. This resulted in them having to cull cattle and other livestock. The uncertainty caused farmers to scale back their production at the time, […]

How Easy Money Inflated Corporate Profits

by Brendan Brown via Mises Institute In the incessant media discussion about whether inflation is transitory there is a big elephant in the room about which all are silent. Perhaps strangely some do not see it. Others for whatever reason pretend it is not there. The elephant is the fantastic surge in US corporate profits that […]

2022: The Year of the Hangover?

by Daniel Lacalle via Mises Institute The global recovery has slowed down significantly since the peak of the reopening effect in June 2021. What many expected would be a multiyear cycle of above-trend growth is proving to be a more modest bounce. Furthermore, according to Bloomberg Economics, the global economy will likely grow in the […]

The Federal Reserve Keeps Buying Mortgages

by Alex J. Pollock via Mises Institute Runaway house price inflation continues to characterize the U.S. market. House prices across the country rose 15.8% on average in October 2021 from the year before. U.S. house prices are far over their 2006 Bubble peak, and remain over the Bubble peak even after adjustment for consumer price […]

Ending Fiat Money Won’t Destroy the State

by Ryan McMaken via Mises Institute Lee esto en Español A certain meme has become popular among advocates of both gold and cryptocurrencies. This is the “Fix the money, fix the world” meme. This slogan is based on the idea that by switching to some commodity money—be it crypto or metal—and abandoning fiat currency, the […]

Is the Crack-up Boom Here

by Ron Paul via Ron Paul Institute Bloomberg News recently solicited advice from Argentinians who lived through that country’s high inflation on how Americans should cope with rising inflation. The Argentinians suggested Americans spend their paychecks as fast as possible to avoid future price increases. They also suggested taking out loans that can be paid […]

No, Sen. Warren, Greed Is Not Causing Inflation

by Daniel Lacalle via Mises Institute Senator Elizabeth Warren recently stated that rising prices were due to corporations increasing their profits. “This isn’t about inflation, this is about price gouging for these guys.” It is simply incorrect. No, corporations have not doubled their profits, and rising prices are not due to the evildoings of businesses. If evil […]

Misery or Fortune: The Choice is Yours

By Egon von Greyerz via Gold Switzerland In this brief yet thorough presentation for the 2021 International Precious Metals & Commodities Conference (Edelmetallmesse) in Munich, Matterhorn Asset Management founder, Egon von Greyerz, makes a clear, data-supported argument for gold ownership and the binary outcomes of misery or fortune for investors in the context of an […]

Elizabeth Warren Is So Very Wrong about Inflation

by William L. Anderson via Mises Institute Almost anyone who follows social media is familiar with the latest tweets by Senator Elizabeth Warren, who has pronounced her verdict on higher food and gasoline prices: they are nothing less than the result of corporate greed. In fact, according to Warren, there is no inflation, only corporations arbitrarily […]

Reduce Expectations of Government

by Ron Paul via Ron Paul Institute Inflation was an unwelcome guest at this year’s Thanksgiving gatherings. According to the Farm Bureau, a traditional Thanksgiving meal cost 14 percent more in 2021 than the same meal cost in 2020. Many families went without certain Thanksgiving favorites — or limited their guests — to reduce costs […]

What’s Going on with Inflation?

Katharina Buchholz at Statista notes, Economic recovery following the lockdown era of the coronavirus pandemic has caused the price of goods and services to rise since the start of 2021 in many developed nations. Consumers catching up on spending coupled with persistent stock problems have created a climate of scarcity as pandemic effects continue to […]

Cryptocurrency Edition: Remy Rapping Finance 101

Don’t be fooled. Cryptocurrencies, like Dogecoin or even Bitcoin, should not be considered a hedge against inflation or economic calamity. These digital creations tend to act more like “risk-on” assets, and the speculative frenzy surrounding them has certainly been fueled by the Federal Reserve’s massive and reckless money printing. Cryptos are an definitely interesting and […]

Federal Reserve Failure

by Ron Paul via Ron Paul Institute  What do the Federal Reserve and neoconservatives have in common? They both refuse to admit that their policies — the neocons’ promotion of perpetual war and the Fed’s manipulation of the money supply — are complete failures, having produced the opposite of the promised results. The latest example […]

The Biggest Federal Reserve Scandal

by Ron Paul via Ron Paul Institute september 27, 2021 Following revelations that Federal Reserve officials made trades in financial assets while the Fed was taking extraordinary efforts to “stimulate” the economy, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell ordered a review of the Fed’s ethics rules. While these trades appear problematic, they pale in comparison to […]