Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Paul Craig Roberts: Ukraine Update #2

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy The function of the Western media is to turn fiction into fact and lie into truth. Once the narrative is established, it is repeated endlessly.  I worked hard yesterday to give my readers a true account of the situation.  Today I will update the military situation […]

Tyranny Ahead

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy The most dangerous form of tyranny has raised its head simultaneously in Canada and the United States. The exercise of civil liberty is being criminalized. In Canada the city government of Ottawa with the aid of the US FBI and US Department of Homeland Security is […]

President Biden Is a Tool of Big Pharma

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy The lunatic occupant of the Oval Office has arbitrarily yanked from use the only “establishment approved” Covid treatment, monoclonal antibodies. As Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis correctly states: Biden’s “indefensible edict takes treatment out of the hands of medical professionals and will cost some Americans their lives. […]

The Covid Deception Is a Power Grab

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy In a recent interview with Geopolitics & Empire — Hrvoje Moric asked me if there was an explanation for the uniformity of countries’ Covid policies with even the “free world” shutting down civil liberties with tyrannical lockdowns, mask, vaccine, and passport mandates, and falsified pandemic and […]

Washington Simultaneously Demonizes Russia, China, Iran, and Its Own White Majority Population while Democrats Enforce Covid Tyranny

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy Can Free Florida Survive? Florida has a large Cuban population, but it also has a large Jewish population, people who made their money and retired in a sunny land without freezing temperatures. Most of the Jews understand the benefits of Florida’s openness under Governor DeSantis, but, […]

Supreme Court Delivers Schizophrenic Ruling

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy In a schizophrenic ruling on January 13, the US Supreme Court ruled against the Biden regime’s Covid vaccine mandate for private businesses but for the mandate for health care workers. Ordinary Americans might wonder why the Justices protected some people from undergoing a coerced medical procedure […]

Does America Have a Future?

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy Glenn Greenwald Offers his Perspective on the Democrats’ “Trump Insurrection” Histrionics. Greenwald is on the money, but the situation for American is even more serious than he thinks. Here is Greenwald’s explanation of the counterfactual reality created for us by Democrats: “The orgy of psychodrama today […]

Now People Are Dying from the Vaccine

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy OneAmerica is a large life insurance company in Indianapolis. The chief executive officer, Scott Davison just announced that judging by policy claims Americans of working age are suddenly dying in unprecedented numbers. He reports that all life insurance companies are experiencing a 40% rise in the […]

2022: A Challenging Year

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy I remember when 1984 was in the distant future. We wondered if our destiny was going to be Big Brother’s police state. But 1984 turned out to be the middle of the Reagan years. Liberals didn’t like Reagan’s rhetoric, but his policies worked. Supply-side economics cured […]

The Minnesota Department of Health Proves that there Is NO Systemic Racism

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy A Minnesota Department of Health Document, “Ethical Framework for Allocation of Monoclonal Antibodies during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” describes the rationing system to be used in Minnesota for rationing monoclonal antibodies to those infected with Covid. Various factors are considered, such as comorbidities, age, pregnancy, and BIPOC […]

Fauci and Biden are Pathological Liars

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy Both are alleging without providing a speck of evidence that 97% of Covid cases/hospitalizations/deaths are the unvaccinated. This is a total lie. Information from every country shows that it is the vaccinated who are suffering injuries and deaths. The “Omicron variant” is being used to create […]

Many Have Died from Being Hoodwinked by Media Orchestration of a Deadly Covid Pandemic

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy Virologist Marc G. Wathelet provides 13 reasons that the Covid virus is not, and has not been, sufficiently dangerous to require extraordinary measures such as lockdowns, masks, and vaccination with an unsafe experimental “vaccine.” Dr. Wathelet points out that Covid’s lethality is on a par with […]

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy Do you remember this: Where are the flowers today? They are in the gutter along with every thing else. San Francisco, the city I knew, is destroyed.   In place of flowers, there is filth.  The streets are overflowing with it.  Excrement, hypodermic needles, crime.  The […]