Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Where’s Your Loyalty?

by Jeff Thomas via International Man Recently, after reading an essay of mine, a reader angrily questioned my loyalty to the USA. My immediate reaction was that I’m not a US citizen. I therefore tend to observe the US dispassionately, just as I’d observe any of the nearly 200 “foreign” countries in the world. But, […]

The Great Depression II

by Jeff Thomas via International Man Whenever a movie has been a huge hit, the film industry tries to follow it up by doing a sequel. The sequel is almost invariably far more costly, as there’s the anticipation by those who create it that it will be an even bigger blockbuster than the original. The […]

Recycling in North Vancouver

by Walter Block via International Man I don’t know how this is done in Vancouver and its other suburbs, but in North Vancouver, the law mandates compulsory recycling. If you don’t, in addition to a fine, the garbage men (Sanitation Engineers, nowadays) will decline to pick up your refuse. You are required to do this […]

Doug Casey Debunks the So-Called “Green Economy”

by Doug Casey via International Man International Man: Politicians, the media, and large corporations promote solar and wind energy as replacements for fossil fuels. Western governments are trying to pick winners and are subsidizing wind and solar energy to the tune of billions. What’s going on here? Doug Casey: Solar and wind energy can be useful. But generally […]

Doug Casey on Making a Crisis Your Friend

by Doug Casey via International Man Nick Giambruno: Doug, you’re one of the foremost authorities in the world on the topic of crisis investing. Tell us a bit about your background on this topic. Doug Casey: After my second book, Crisis Investing, came out in 1979, I started publishing a newsletter of the same name. […]

Russia, Ukraine, and the Battle for the World Order

by Nick Giambruno via International Man The rules-based international order… The liberal international order… The international community… You undoubtedly have heard the media and politicians use these strange and vague phrases. They are describing the current world order or architecture for international political relations between countries. World orders are nothing new. It’s how the big […]

The Next Empire

by Jeff Thomas via International Man Throughout history, political, financial, and military leaders have sought to create empires. Westerners often think of ancient Rome as the first empire. Later, other empires formed for a time. Spain became an empire, courtesy of its Armada, its conquest of the New World, and the gold and silver extracted […]

The Necessity of Human Action

by Jeff Thomas via International Man In 1987, Levon Helm, a former cotton farmer from Arkansas, sat brooding in his yard, trying to describe why his apparent success had turned to near-bankruptcy: “Well, it’s hard to put your finger on. You get behind financially and once you get behind financially, you seem to get behind […]

The Need for Information Filtration

by Jeff Thomas via International Man In generations past, information was provided by word of mouth, or through reading, either in a book, a letter or a periodical. It was a slow system, but it did have an advantage: information came in one item at a time, and people had an opportunity to chew on […]

Hand of the Soviet Presidium in Crimea

by David Stockman via International Man Washington’s hypocritical and tendentious accusations against Russia’s reabsorption of Crimea imply that the dead hand of the Soviet presidium must be defended at all costs — as if the security of North Dakota depended upon it! The allegedly “occupied” territory of Crimea, in fact, was actually purchased from the […]

Boiling the Frog

by Jeff Thomas via International Man “There was, of course, no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, The Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate, […]

Rulers Seek to Rule

by Jeff Thomas via International Man Rulers seek to rule. Well, that seems a bit obvious, doesn’t it? And yet, time after time, we elect new leaders, imagining that, “This new group will be better—they’ll represent us as they promised.” Unfortunately, the democratic system doesn’t really work very well at all. The idea is supposed […]

“Capitalism Has Failed”

by Jeff Thomas via International Man Today, more than at any time previously, Westerners are justifying a move toward collectivist thinking with the phrase, “Capitalism has failed.” In response to this, conservative thinkers offer a knee-jerk reaction that collectivism has also had a dismal record of performance. Neither group tends to gain any ground with […]