Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Don’t Forget Covid Tyranny

Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr, via People are focused on the Ukraine. It’s important that we keep America out of this dangerous situation and end the immoral and futile sanctions against Russia. These have a real danger of provoking a nuclear war. But we shouldn’t forget another danger. This is a danger that actually has […]

American Lockdowns Began Two Years Ago Today

by Jeffrey A. Tucker via Brownstone Institute Certain dates should live in infamy. One is March 7, 2020. That is the date that the Austin, Texas, Mayor, Steve Adler, acting on his own at least in public, canceled the in-person conference South By Southwest (possibly attracting as many as a quarter million people) that was […]

Patricians vs. Plebeians: The Realignment 

by Jeffrey A. Tucker via Brownstone Institute When I was a kid — and the same with my parents when they were young — you could count on certain fundamentals in politics. The Chamber of Commerce represented business, and business generally favored free enterprise. Not always, but mostly.  Small businesses could become big and big […]

Justin Trudeau and Pathetic Global Elites

by Vasko Kohlmayer via “Every word he says he is a lie. A nose as long as the trucker‘s convoy.” – Dr. Jordan B. Peterson When thousands of truckers drove toward Ottawa in protest against the vaccine mandates, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau described them as “the small fringe minority” holding “unacceptable views.” As the […]

Italy’s Covid Despotism Just Got Worse

by Matteo Salonia via The news from Italy has started to sound like good incipits for a dystopian fantasy novel or like a déjà vu recalling the Soviet Union. A couple of weeks ago, a new decree of the Draghi government established yet more rules restricting the lives of people who have not been injected with the […]

The DC Rally and the Rise of the Resistance

by Jeffrey A. Tucker via Brownstone Institute By long American tradition, protest movements manifest themselves most fully in gatherings in Washington, D.C, starting at the Washington Monument and culminating in speeches at the Lincoln Memorial. At long last, after two years of astonishing attacks on fundamental rights that most everyone once believed were protected by […]

Why They Want to Keep the “Health Emergency” Going Forever

by Ryan McMaken via Mises Institute Last month, Colorado governor Jared Polis ended statewide mask mandates and social-distancing provisions, stating that “the emergency is over.“ This, of course, does not mean Colorado is now laissez-fairein terms of covid. Public higher education institutions—thanks to Polis’ tacit approval—still have free rein in terms of imposing vaccine and mask […]

They Said They Would Slow the Spread

by Jeffrey A. Tucker via Brownstone Institute It’s been the most astonishing two weeks for American public life, with so many prescient changes, from new censorships, admissions, backtracks, experts speaking out, public outrage, and what strikes me as a progressive unraveling of every orthodoxy imposed nearly two years ago.  Not even the influential and powerful […]

Slouching Toward Endemicity

by Jeffrey A. Tucker Is that the sound of normalcy I’m hearing out there? Ever more authors and sources admitting that the virus is a medical problem that cannot be addressed or solved through politicized “mitigation measures.” This is what I’m reading between the lines of such news stories as this one: Early in the […]

Omicron: The Lockdowners’ Last Stand

by Ron Paul via RonPaul Institute Just as President Biden’s unconstitutional vaccination mandates were being ripped up by the courts, authoritarian politicians, public health bureaucrats, and the mainstream media, announced a new Covid variant to justify another round of lockdowns and restrictions. The things that didn’t work last time would be a good idea to […]

Fauci, Emails, and Some Alleged Science

by Phillip Magness and James Harrigan via American Institute for Economic Research From October 2-4, 2020, the American Institute for Economic Research hosted a small conference for scientists to discuss the Covid-19 lockdowns. Just four days later, Dr. Francis Collins, the retiring Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), would call the three of […]

The Year of the New Normal Fascist

by CJ Hopkins via the Consent Factory And so, as 2021 goose-steps toward its fanatical finish, it is time for my traditional year-end wrap-up. It’s “The Year of the Ox” in the Chinese zodiac, but I’m christening it “The Year of the New Normal Fascist.” And what a phenomenally fascist year it has been! I’m […]

What’s Going on with Inflation?

Katharina Buchholz at Statista notes, Economic recovery following the lockdown era of the coronavirus pandemic has caused the price of goods and services to rise since the start of 2021 in many developed nations. Consumers catching up on spending coupled with persistent stock problems have created a climate of scarcity as pandemic effects continue to […]

Why Do People Willingly Sacrifice Their Freedom?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE A psychological condition of society known as “mass formation” is a condition for totalitarianism. Under mass formation, a population willingly sacrifices their freedom The central condition for mass formation to occur is a lack of societal bonding. In other words, social isolation on a mass scale, which is precisely what […]

The Truth About Tyranny

by Jeffrey Tucker Brownstone Institute In the simple model of tyranny we learned as school kids, there is a bad guy on top, or perhaps several because he needs advisors, and then there is everyone else suffering under his yoke. The job of freedom is to overthrow the powerful bad guy and set everyone free.  […]