Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Enzymes and Probiotics for Post-Covid Fatigue!

by Dr. Valerie Donaldson via Regenerative Medicine Center One of the biggest complaints when infected with Covid is the exhaustive fatigue which can be unrelenting. “Fatigue is the most persistent and debilitating symptom of Long Haul Covid”.1 Last week’s blog reviewed the use of Thymosin Alpha in Long Haul Covid. This week is a review […]

Probiotics Improve Long COVID

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE Probiotics reduced muscle fatigue and brain fog, two symptoms of long COVID, after only 14 days; this may have a significant impact on the nearly 12 million people who experience long COVID symptoms Poor gut microbiome diversity also predicts greater severity of COVID-19; some health experts recommend postbiotics in the […]

Long Haul Covid and Thymosin Alpha 1

by Dr. Valerie Donaldson via Regenerative Medicine Center Long Haul Covid Definition It is estimated approximately 25-40% of individuals who have recovered from Covid will continue to experience Covid symptoms.1   These same Covid symptoms can also be seen after vaccinations.  Most commonly symptoms are severe joint pains, cognitive decline, shortness of breath especially with exertion, […]