Fast Rope

The truth will out.

The Case for Radical Idealism

by Murray N. Rothbard via Mises Institute Every “radical” creed has been subjected to the charge of being “utopian,” and the libertarian movement is no exception. Some libertarians themselves maintain that we should not frighten people off by being “too radical,” and that therefore the full libertarian ideology and program should be kept hidden from […]

Why America Has Splintered Into Identity Groups

by Craig Cantoni via The Libertarian Institute Many Americans are concerned about the splintering of America into identity groups and are bewildered by critical race theory, queer studies, the proliferation of genders, cancel culture, the claim that reason and logic are constructs of white culture, and the corresponding shift from classical liberalism to identity-based authoritarianism. […]

The Sovietization of America

Wow! This is an incredible interview — and a bit scary! Yuri Maltsev, former member of a senior Soviet Union economics team working under President Mikhail Gorbachev, discusses how the United States is descending into socialism. Maltsev also notes that many of President Biden’s policies are eerily reminiscent of those pursued in the Soviet Union. […]