Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Cryptocurrency Edition: Remy Rapping Finance 101

Don’t be fooled. Cryptocurrencies, like Dogecoin or even Bitcoin, should not be considered a hedge against inflation or economic calamity. These digital creations tend to act more like “risk-on” assets, and the speculative frenzy surrounding them has certainly been fueled by the Federal Reserve’s massive and reckless money printing. Cryptos are an definitely interesting and […]

After 20 Years of Failure, Kill the TSA

by J.D. Tuccille via Reason On this day in 2001, in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) was created in a demonstration that the Keystone Kops are always prepared to exploit a crisis. In the ensuing two decades, the TSA has proven itself skilled at harassing travelers and […]

“People Will Die” and Social Control

As many great economists know, there are really no solutions in life; there are only trade-offs. Everything we do in life requires some amount of cost-benefit analysis, some amount of trade-off. Predictably, the “people will die” argument is usually employed by those seeking to shut down any critical discussion or comparative analysis of trade-offs. “People […]