Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Mexico’s Different Take on Giving Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots to Children

by Adam Dick via Ron Paul Institute United States President Joe Biden, a coronavirus crackdown enthusiast, appears to have no qualms about promoting that every American take experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots and even threatening millions of people with loss of their jobs if they refuse the shots. In contrast, south of the border, Mexico President […]

Democratic Governors Can Oppose Vaccine Mandates Too

by Adam Dick via Ron Paul Institute Some Republican governors, such as the governors of Texas and Florida, have acted in opposition to government mandates that people take experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots. Democratic governors, in contrast, have tended to support such mandates or stand aside as they are imposed. In Kansas, however, the Democratic governor […]

Federal Reserve Failure

by Ron Paul via Ron Paul Institute  What do the Federal Reserve and neoconservatives have in common? They both refuse to admit that their policies — the neocons’ promotion of perpetual war and the Fed’s manipulation of the money supply — are complete failures, having produced the opposite of the promised results. The latest example […]

Parents, Prepare for a Barrage of Coronavirus ‘Vaccine’ Propaganda from Your Children’s Pediatricians

by Adam Dick via Ron Paul Institute An early warning sign that your child’s pediatrician is a coronavirus propagandist instead of a trusted source of information regarding coronavirus is zealous enforcement of a requirement that you and your child wear masks in the pediatrician’s office. It is not established that masks provide net protection against […]

Texas Governor Stands Up Against President Joe Biden’s Coronavirus Vaccine Bullying

written by Adam Dick RonPaul Institute Maybe Texas Governor Greg Abbott was influenced by the billboards that appeared around Texas last month urging people to resist bullying regarding experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots and to instead make their own informed choices. Maybe Abbott perceived the strong opposition among voters to the increasingly harsh measures being taken to […]

‘Don’t Be Bullied’ about Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots Say Billboards in Several States

written by Adam Dick People driving around the Texas cities of Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas over the last few days have seen new billboards along major highways encouraging them to resist the incessant bullying from politicians, media, schools, businesses, and employers related to the experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots. The huge billboards declare the […]

The Biggest Federal Reserve Scandal

by Ron Paul via Ron Paul Institute september 27, 2021 Following revelations that Federal Reserve officials made trades in financial assets while the Fed was taking extraordinary efforts to “stimulate” the economy, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell ordered a review of the Fed’s ethics rules. While these trades appear problematic, they pale in comparison to […]

Are Vaccine Passports the Ultimate Goal?

Is the requirement for vaccine passports the true goal of our government overlords? Adam Dick, writing for the Ron Paul Institute, makes a case that the vaccine passport is just a stepping stone to an everything passport. It appears that we live in very dangerous times that have little to do with COVID-19 itself. Vaccine […]

Ron Paul was right…over 10 years ago.

Dr. Ron Paul nailed it in his powerful speech on the House Floor on St. Paddy’s Day 2011. “We can’t change Afghanistan. Even if you could, you’re not supposed to. You don’t have the moral authority, you don’t have the constitutional authority.” Never have truer words been spoken, and Dr. Paul is still telling it like […]