Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Will Smallpox Be the Next ‘Lab Leak’?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE While attempts have been made to assess the risks posed by research on lethal pathogens, we still know very little. We don’t know the frequency at which lab accidents happen, how often lab accidents result in exposures, or the underlying factors that allow for incidents and exposures We also do […]

Vaccination Causes Covid Variants

by Paul Craig Roberts via The Unvaccinated Are Not Fueling COVID Variants ‘Super mutant’ Covid strain triggers emergency response These “mutant strains” or variants are produced in response to the Covid vaccine. In other words, Fauci, Big Pharma, the medical establishment, and dumbshit politicians have unleashed an ever changing virus upon the world. The only […]

Smallpox: The Historical Myths behind Mandatory Vaccines

by Kristoffer Mousten Hansen via Throughout the corona “pandemic” the Holy Grail of public health officials has been vaccination: only by vaccinating enough people—first the elderly and infirm, then all adults, and now even children—can the nefarious virus be beaten. As vaccination has proven less than wholly successful in preventing the spread of coronavirus, […]