Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Mass Shootings, Hostage Scenarios, Terror Attacks – Perhaps the Answer Is to Do Absolutely Nothing?

by Tim Kirby via Strategic Culture Foundation If there is one thing that is universal about governmental structures across the globe, be they Communist, Western-Style Democracy, Islamic or some other form, it is a 100% assuredness in Technocracy/Bureaucracy as the solution to any and all problems. Perhaps in Western countries where their Constitutions (or Common […]

All You Need to Know about Visegrad Group

by Strategic Culture Foundation The Visegrad Group is a cultural and political alliance of four Central European countries originally designed to further their integration to the EU. However, about a decade after joining the EU they began to sharply disagree with the EU establishment on many issues. Reprinted with permission of Strategic Culture Foundation.

U.S. Blacklists Strategic Culture Foundation in Attack on Independent Journalism and Political Dissent

by Finian Cunningham via Strategic Culture Foundation Washington’s real objective is to criminalize critical journalism and indeed any form of critical dissent. In an audacious attack on free speech, journalists and writers based in the United States have now been banned by the U.S. federal authorities from publishing articles with Strategic Culture Foundation. We interview […]