Fast Rope

The truth will out.

FLCCC Treatment Protocol for Vaccine Injured

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE COVID-19 is clearly no longer an emergency. The real emergency now is the continued use of the COVID “vaccines,” because they’re creating injuries on a level that is truly alarming and unprecedented. VAERS data reveal the COVID jabs have caused more harm in 18 months than all other vaccines […]

Dr. Pierre Kory: ‘COVID-19 Is Highly Treatable’

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE New York pulmonologist Dr. Pierre Kory, an unapologetic champion of evidence-based medicine, has had remarkable success treating patients with ivermectin and other therapies during the pandemic His efforts to get the word out on this treatment protocol as part of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) […]

Dr. Peter McCullough: The State of COVID Treatment

Dr. Joseph Mercola summarizes: Cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough discusses why a key aspect of care — early treatment — has been missing from the pandemic With no hope of early treatment, McCullough believes that most people became conditioned to wait for an injection COVID-19 injections are waning in effectiveness and linked to […]