Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Cancel the Mandates, Leave the Workers Alone

by Gilbert Berdine, MD, via President Joe Biden recently extended the US national emergency for covid-19. A confrontation between truckers protesting Canadian covid mandates and the government in Ottawa has turned ugly. The debate over covid mandates has turned toward authoritarian tactics rather than the merits of the mandates. Irrespective of the debate on the […]

Italy’s Covid Despotism Just Got Worse

by Matteo Salonia via The news from Italy has started to sound like good incipits for a dystopian fantasy novel or like a déjà vu recalling the Soviet Union. A couple of weeks ago, a new decree of the Draghi government established yet more rules restricting the lives of people who have not been injected with the […]

The Spectacular Failure of COVID Shots

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE British data show the COVID shots are an abysmal failure, as COVID infection rates in the U.K. are higher among the “fully vaccinated” in all adult cohorts Infection rates are also rising faster among the fully vaxxed than in unvaccinated cohorts of all ages. All in all, these data prove […]

Media Fakes First Omicron Death Story

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE Despite all signs indicating the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant causes only mild illness, the World Health Organization declared it a “variant of concern,” and countries responded with renewed mask mandates and lockdowns December 20, 2021, the U.S. press went wild, reporting that the first Omicron death had been reported in Houston, […]

‘COVID Chronicles’

by Dr. Joseph Mercola Covid Chronicles from Marilyn DeMontrond on Vimeo. STORY-AT-A-GLANCE “COVID Chronicles” gives a concise look at the pandemic, answering some of the questions that have left many people scratching their heads, because the reality and science don’t seem to match up with what the media is reporting Every positive COVID-19 test is […]

Unvaccinated Pilots Fighting for Medical Freedom

by Daniel Nuccio via Brownstone Institute For many pilots who have chosen to remain unvaccinated for COVID-19, daily life has become a navigation of Catch-22s not seen since bombardiers were still stationed on Pianosa. Jason Kunisch, a commercial airline pilot with 20 years experience and co-founder of the US Freedom Flyers, ponders whether OSHA can […]

A Far Greater Threat Than Any COVID Variant

Stigmatizing the Unvaxxed and Unboosted by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE In a horrifying altercation, a German police officer denounced the humanity of the unvaccinated. This is but one sign that mass formation psychosis is at work “Mass formation psychosis” is the explanation for how the Germans accepted the atrocities by the Nazi party in the […]

Fauci and Biden are Pathological Liars

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy Both are alleging without providing a speck of evidence that 97% of Covid cases/hospitalizations/deaths are the unvaccinated. This is a total lie. Information from every country shows that it is the vaccinated who are suffering injuries and deaths. The “Omicron variant” is being used to create […]

Understanding the Psychology Behind the COVID Pandemic

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE A psychological condition of society known as “mass formation psychosis” is a condition for totalitarianism. Under mass formation psychosis, a population enters a hypnotic-type trance that makes them willing to sacrifice anything, including their lives and their freedom. That’s what’s happening right now There are four key conditions that must […]

The Year of the New Normal Fascist

by CJ Hopkins via the Consent Factory And so, as 2021 goose-steps toward its fanatical finish, it is time for my traditional year-end wrap-up. It’s “The Year of the Ox” in the Chinese zodiac, but I’m christening it “The Year of the New Normal Fascist.” And what a phenomenally fascist year it has been! I’m […]

Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS): ‘We should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely’

by Frontline News ‘If immune erosion occurs after two doses and just a few months, how can we exclude the possibility that effects of an untested “booster” will not erode more rapidly and to a greater extent?’ A Lancet study comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated people in Sweden was conducted among 1.6 million individuals over nine […]

The Power to Imprison — Life in Pandemicland

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE As of midnight November 15, 2021, Austria began another nationwide lockdown, but it only applies to residents aged 12 and older who have declined the experimental COVID jab. An exception is made for unvaccinated individuals who have recently recovered from COVID-19. The lockdown will reportedly affect an estimated 2 […]

Vaccination Causes Covid Variants

by Paul Craig Roberts via The Unvaccinated Are Not Fueling COVID Variants ‘Super mutant’ Covid strain triggers emergency response These “mutant strains” or variants are produced in response to the Covid vaccine. In other words, Fauci, Big Pharma, the medical establishment, and dumbshit politicians have unleashed an ever changing virus upon the world. The only […]

Pathologized Totalitarianism 101

by CJ Hopkins via Consent Factory, Inc. So, GloboCap has crossed the Rubicon. The final phase of its transformation of society into a pathologized-totalitarian dystopia, where mandatory genetic-therapy injections and digital compliance papers are commonplace, is now officially underway. On November 19, 2021, the government of New Normal Austria decreed that, as of February, experimental […]

If the Covid Vaccine Protects, How Are the Unvaccinated a Threat?

by Paul Craig Roberts via In recent days 24 vaccinated soccer players have collapsed on the playing field due to heart attacks. See also: Australia, once a free nation, has been turned into a vaccination-coercive Gestapo state, like Austria and much of Europe. Australian authorities, like Austrian ones and the Western media, are […]