Fast Rope

The truth will out.

What’s Behind the New AIDS Scare?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY-AT-A-GLANCE As the media are abandoning COVID, they’re taking aim at AIDS instead. The timing of AIDS-related articles and announcements is indicative of a coordinated PR campaign, which must have a specific purpose While Prince Harry’s fame is milked for all it’s worth to get people to start thinking about getting […]

Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS): ‘We should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely’

by Frontline News ‘If immune erosion occurs after two doses and just a few months, how can we exclude the possibility that effects of an untested “booster” will not erode more rapidly and to a greater extent?’ A Lancet study comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated people in Sweden was conducted among 1.6 million individuals over nine […]