Fast Rope

The truth will out.

Washington Simultaneously Demonizes Russia, China, Iran, and Its Own White Majority Population while Democrats Enforce Covid Tyranny

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy Can Free Florida Survive? Florida has a large Cuban population, but it also has a large Jewish population, people who made their money and retired in a sunny land without freezing temperatures. Most of the Jews understand the benefits of Florida’s openness under Governor DeSantis, but, […]

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

by Paul Craig Roberts via Institute for Political Economy Do you remember this: Where are the flowers today? They are in the gutter along with every thing else. San Francisco, the city I knew, is destroyed.   In place of flowers, there is filth.  The streets are overflowing with it.  Excrement, hypodermic needles, crime.  The […]