Fast Rope

The truth will out.

German Health Insurer Reveals ‘Alarming’ Underreporting Of Vaccine Side-Effects

by Tyler Durden via Zero Hedge A large German health insurance provider revealed on Wednesday that Covid-19 vaccine side-effects are vastly underreported, according to Welt. After analyzing data from over 10 million individuals, BKK ProVita board member Andreas Schöfbeck, over a 7.5 month period beginning in early 2021, 216,695 policyholders out of 10.9 million were […]

DNA-Based COVID Vaccines Have Arrived

Zero Hedge is reporting that India has approved the world’s first DNA-based Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ ZyCoV-D. What could possibly go wrong? If you thought that there hasn’t been enough testing on mRNA gene therapies for Covid-19, you might want to carefully consider if a DNA-based injection or therapy is right for you. Zero Hedge notes, Close […]